Arrive in Winter

When you arrive in the winter, you’ll find the water system shut off and all drain valves open. To get water you’ll need to close all drain valves, connect the toilet and turn on the pump at the pump house. You’ll also want to keep light bulbs burning at the dog house under the cabin, at the pump house, and under the sink to help keep the system from freezing.

Start inside:

  1. Breaker box above the fridge
    • Turn on breaker #13 (doghouse power)
    • Turn on breakers #10 & 11 (bedroom heat)

  2. Bathroom
    • Connect toilet water supply hose
    • Close sink faucets
    • Close shower faucets

  3. Kitchen
    • Turn on light under sink
    • Close hot water tank drain valve in hole at bottom of unit by turning clock-wise

Now go outside (take crescent wrench and a couple of 100 watt light bulbs with you):

  1. Close the outside faucet valve by turning clock-wise
  2. Go into the doghouse underneath the cabin

    • Close the red drain valve on the water line by turning clock-wise
    • Close the red drain valve on the water tank by turning clock-wise
    • Make sure the light is plugged in and working. Replace the bulb if necessary with one you cleverly brought with you
  4. Go to the main line drain valve near the fence and, using the crescent wrench, close it with a ΒΌ turn clockwise
  5. Now go to the power pole and check the small breaker box to verify that both switches are on (up), providing power to the pump house
  6. Now go to the pump house (down by the ditch)
    • Flip up the two outside switches to turn on light bulb. If needed, replace the bulb
    • Flip up the two middle switches to turn the pump on

Okay, you’re almost done. Now go back inside again and . . .

  1. Check all water lines in the kitchen and bathroom to confirm that there are no leaks.
  2. Turn on breakers 2 & 7/8 (hot water heat)
  3. Make a drink and light a fire – See Using the Stove
Last updated on: September 28th, 2011